Monday, May 17, 2010

Friends Challenge

I also entered a challenge by Deena Rutter, which I didn't win, but she was so nice to give us all $5 coupons to purchase her stuff. Here is my entry:

A two page layout:

So I haven't really posted much lately, but I have been doing challenges on Design House Digital. It is so much fun. I love it there, because everyone is so nice. Anyways last month I *won two challenges and got a $10 gift certificate. Here are my LOs/ photo.

*Journaling Challenge Entry:

Scraplift Challenge Entry:

*Photo Challenge Entry:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Template Challenges

I recently decided to start doing more digital scrapbooking and I am oh so far behind, but I know I can do it if I stay motivated. In order to motivate me, I have been doing some challenges. I have thus far only done Tuesday Template Challenges from Scrap Matters. It has been so fun and it keeps me motivated. I am planning on doing at least two layouts a week, so I can catch up. Here's what I have done recently.

This was the very first challenge I ever did. It was back in March.

All the ones below, I have done in the last few weeks.
This one is one of my favorite pictures of Hannah as a baby.

Addy loved this stuffed panda when she was little.

This one is a two page layout.

This one is the most recent. It was this Tuesday's challenge.

It would be awesome if I won a challenge, but I just really like being challenged, win or no win!

Friday, November 13, 2009